vendredi 20 juillet 2007

Une petite migraine.

Maggots found growing inside man’s head.

“I could hear them. I actually thought I was going crazy.”

An American returning from holiday discovered that he had five maggots growing in his head.

Aaron Dallas decided to seek out medical advice upon returning from a holiday in Belize after finding lumps on the back of his head. The doctors initially thought that it was a simple case of shingles until the bumps started to move. It was then that they realised that he had five live maggots inside his head. Mr Dallas said “I’d put my hand back there and feel them moving. I thought it was blood coursing through my head,”

The D. Hominis the only species of bot fly that attacks humans. They are dependent on mosquitoes, flies and other types of insect to distribute their eggs to hosts. The botfly maggot has strong hooked spines that run in circular rings around the midsection of its body which make it notoriously difficult to remove them alive. Apparently the safest and least risky way of removing the maggots would be to allow the larva to develop and leave the body on its own. I don’t know about you but if I had maggots living and growing inside my head, I wouldn’t care if they came out alive or dead. I’d just want them outta there.

Aaron Dallas described the ordeal as “was weird and traumatic,” which if you ask me, is somewhat of an understatement.

As much as you would like to hope that this kind of infestation doesn’t happen very often, it is in fact a fairly common occurrence in certain parts of Central and South America. So let this be a warning to you; if you plan on taking a holiday there any time soon, wear a hat.

Source : Mysterious Universe (Sam r Pluck, 19 Juillet 2007).

Des asticots dans le cerveau ? Si tu as mal à la tête, la ligue te conseille ce site.

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